Project Sapient (Police & Military Discussions)
Project Sapient is a podcast meant to engage our brothers and sisters in the law enforcement and military communities, in conversations that we all know we need to have. All opinions you‘ll hear are our own, are protected by our first amendment of the United States Constitution, and in no way reflect or are meant to reflect the opinion of any specific agency, officer or service member. Some opinions may be controversial. Listener Discretion is advised.
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
This weeks shorty / "atta boy episode" highlights the baddas$ery of the Phoenix PD - YET AGAIN.
These Officers saw a fire - and wasted no time, with no hesitation to do the right thing.... and save LIVES.
Body cam in the YouTube video episode
Check out the video on YouTube ! Please like and subscribe! Project Sapient Youtube link
Thanks to our thousands of listeners worldwide and
our awesome supporters below!
Vector Shields
Gym Junkies
Havok Journal
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
e17: Reaction vs. Reflex , the no sleep dilemma and lots of Fu@kery.
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Reaction vs. Reflex
Are we ready? Have we built up the muscle memory? Are our bodies and minds working in sync, in unison?..... ready to be the millisecond better than the enemy? The boys discuss Ayman's article in depth after some fuc$kery because Pete decided he didn't need sleep.
Important to note ...tactical awareness was still present: Pete noticed Ayman doing the boob flex a few times.
Also important note: PLEASE SLEEP and if you are having trouble reach out to WellnessForWarriors.Live - they can and will HELP!!!!!!!
Check out the video on YouTube ! Please like and subscribe! Project Sapient Youtube link
Havok Article link here
Thanks to our thousands of listeners worldwide and
our awesome supporters below!
Vector Shields
Gym Junkies
Havok Journal
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
M16: Midweek Shorty - Props to Off Duty Officers from Tukwila PD (WA)
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
This weeks midweek roll call video features amazing work by Off duty Officers form Tukwilla PD in Washington. Are we EVER off duty? NOPE!
Ayman talks about his tough ruck, complains about heat, yells at peter and peter yawned a few times.
There was also cranial malfunctions at the beginning that we decided to no edit out. Because.
Check out the video on YouTube ! Please like and subscribe! Project Sapient Youtube link
Thanks to our thousands of listeners worldwide and
our awesome supporters below!
Vector Shields
Gym Junkies
Havok Journal
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
In this episode Ayman talks about is experience landing in Iraq for the first time - in Mortar City. Ayman shares his experience in great detail. From the mortars, to great leaders, pretorians, to the locals , and YES, even a gym - Ayman gets into the nitty gritty of what went on and how it all also ties in to policing.
Link to Ayman's article on Havok Journal Here
Thanks to our thousands of listeners worldwide and
our awesome supporters below!
Vector Shields
Gym Junkies
Havok Journal
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
M15: Midweek Roll call: Shoutout to Orange County Sheriff's Office for being awesome
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Don't forget to subscribe and like our videos on YouTube please! It really helps!
This week's shorty / midweek roll call gives a big shout out to Orange County Sheriff's Office in Florida for helping an autistic boy learn how to ride a bike. The guys mention it: Policing has changed, and in a lot of ways for the (much) better !
Thanks to our thousands of listeners worldwide and
our awesome supporters below!
Vector Shields
Gym Junkies
Havok Journal
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Don't forget: Project Sapient is now releasing every episode on Video channels below. Please subscribe and like - it helps!
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convince the word he doesn't exist.
What has happened in our society? Internet experts, keyboard warriors, "backyard beckys" place blame and concoct stories when they have no idea what has really happened. Politicians are first to soap box because they are SCARED of the truth, while voting to LET OUT CHILD MOLESTERS . We are all about free speech - we have bled for it - we will continue to bleed for it, our brothers and sisters have DIED for it.... But what happens in a society when speech turns to rhetoric, misinformation turns into policies that change the shape of Policing..of our nation?
They guys discuss everything going on. Feelings may be hurt. FB medals of Valor stripped. Be warned.
Amman's article (found here on Havok Journal )
Don't forget: Project Sapient is now releasing every episode on Video channels below.
Please subscribe and like - it helps!
YouTube channel link: Project Sapient
Facebook link: Project Sapient
Thanks to our thousands of listeners worldwide and
our awesome supporters below!
Vector Shields
Gym Junkies
Havok Journal
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
m14: Midweek roll call: From troubled teen to ELITE Police Officer
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Project Sapient is now releasing every episode on Video channels below. Please subscribe and like - it helps!
This weeks midweek episode focuses on:
Who is this bada$$ lady who started as troubled teen and became an ELITE police Officer? Well it is Lawrence (MA) Officer Jessica Botero and yea, SHE. IS. A. BADAS$.
A tough childhood, a chance encounter with the right cop led this girl into becoming the super star we can tell she really is!
Link to article HERE
Don't forget: Project Sapient is now releasing every episode on Video channels below.
Please subscribe and like - it helps!
YouTube channel link: Project Sapient
Facebook link: Project Sapient
Thanks to our thousands of listeners worldwide and
our awesome supporters below!
Vector Shields
Gym Junkies
Havok Journal
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
E14: Ego - #1 Killer & butthurt disease symptom
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
"Ego, the number one killer & the number one cause of.... butthurt"
Ego: We all have it. Some lack it, some have too much for their own good.
Ayman's article goes in depth into why ego can be (cant stress that enough) a foundational issue in law enforcement. The Guys explore dark corners of EGO and talk about people that got butthurt while reading said article.
A few were clearly projecting their inadequacies, and a few you can tell graduated from a certain "university" mentioned in the show.
This is what happens when social media has conditioned us to be "skimmers" and eager to get our voice heard while slamming away at a keyboard eagerly awaiting a medal.
FB medals of Valor will be given out shortly.
Reading comprehension needs to be pushed a little harder... even with adults.
Reminds me of the old commercial: "Hooked on phonics worked for me!" - if you don't get it then whatever, E.A.D.
Link to Ayman's article here
Thanks to the thousands of listeners worldwide and
our awesome supporters below!
Vector Shields
Gym Junkies
Havok Journal
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